October 2022: Celebrations, Recognitions, Holidays, and Observances
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
UD Belonging
We hope to meet great people looking to join our outstanding District! Come and join us at the Support Staff Job Fair - Monday (10/3) from 4 PM - 7 PM at SRMS!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
job fair
Please remember that our schools are closed on Wednesday (10/5) in observance of Yom Kippur.
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Yom Kippur
From our family to yours!
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District
Please remember that all UDSD schools are closed Monday (9/26) and Tuesday (9/27) in observance of Rosh Hashanah.
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Rosh Hashanah
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Congratulations to our students!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Check it out!!
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District
Two of our Instructional Support Specialists were making their rounds assisting and coaching their colleagues! We have a great staff in UDSD!!
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District
Interested in what's happening in UDSD? Check out my September 2022 Superintendent's Report. https://www.smore.com/0tn69
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Reminder: School will not be in session on Monday (9/26) and Tuesday (9/27) in observance of Rosh Hashanah.
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Rosh Hashanah
Support our kids!!/
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
If you see this student please contact the UDPD.
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District
Support our kids!!
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District
Are you or someone you know interested in joining the UDSD team? Check out our openings:https://udsd.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
job fair
Check out the latest news from the District in the September 2022 edition of News from the Nest!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Everyone is all smiles at FWES. Principal McAleer and the FWES team are back together again!!
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District
Who's ready for some great theatre this year? We can't wait to see our students shine on stage!!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
Universal free breakfast begins October 1st and runs through the entire 22-23 school year! Also, don't forget to bookmark the Food Service's website. It has great information for parents/guardians and families! https://sites.google.com/udsd.org/foodservices
over 2 years ago, Laurie Smith
food services
over 2 years ago, Upper Dublin School District